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"Server.UA" - data center with uninterrupted power supply in Kyiv

Modern platform for placing server equipment in Ukraine

Dedicated Servers

All power of the physical server
  • Starting segment

    Starting segment

    Intel Pentium G
    from 52.39 $
  • Middle segment

    Middle segment

    Intel Core i5/i7
    from 76.24 $
  • High segment

    High segment

    Intel Xeon E5
    from 173 $
Data Center «Server.UA»

Data Center «Server.UA»

We create all the necessary conditions for server equipment: uninterrupted power supply, cooling of the server rooms and climate control, backup channels. We provide as basic as additional support. Administrators are monitoring the work of the equipment around the clock. Our Data Center was built according to TIER III standard. We use only high-quality equipment of the leading world manufacturers, which guarantees reliability and stability of the servers.

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